Wheel of the Year: Litha – Pagans Celebrate the Longest Day of the Year

Litha, aka the Summer Solstice, is almost here—time to get naked and light a big fire. Summer and the Summer Solstice are finally here! Also called Midsummer, Summer Solstice marks the high point of the sun’s arc across the sky in the Northern Hemisphere. At Litha we are treated to the longest days and the … Read more

Litha Livestream: A Six Week Guide to Midsummer

Litha livestream class June 10th 7pm pst www.meaganangus.com

Summer Solstice Litha celebrates the high point of the Sun’s journey. For folks in the Northern Hemisphere, we see this in long days filled with heat and light. And short nights, filled with heat and stars. For some Witches, Pagans, and Heathens, the death of the Oak King, and the rise of the Holly King. … Read more

Beltane Season Is Here! The Wheel of the Year

Where Ostara embraces symbols of Nature’s return to life and the vitality of the flora and fauna world, Beltane brings that focus to the world of humans. Sex and sexuality are at the forefront of much of this Sabbats symbolism.

Yule, and Heading Off Into the Dark of Winter

Winter Solstice marks the official threshold of a journey undertaken by Witches, Pagans, Heathens and other polytheists all over the planet, and shared by all of our ancestors going back to the deepest reaches of memory and time. Because of a random 23 degree tilt to our planet, we experience our four seasons. A deep … Read more

Litha – A Six Week Guide to the Summer Solstice Available Now!

In this six week guide, we will explore Litha the Witch’s Sabbat celebrating the Summer Solstice.
But the work doesn’t stop after one night. In this six week guide, we will look at the major Witch’s…