Yule – A Six Week Guide to Winter Solstice Live Class

Yule – The Long Night

The Wheel of the Year continues to turn with the great Quarter Sabbat Yule, also known as Winter Solstice.



Before there was Christmas, there was Yule.

The Quarter-Day festival season known to Pagans, Heathens, and Witches as Yule is recognized by nearly every belief system, philosophy and spiritual practice in the Northern Hemisphere.

Hundreds of deities celebrate holy days at this time of year, and much of the symbolism we work with centers around the death and resurrection of The Sun.

For Many Pagans, this day marks the death of The Holly King and the birth of The Oak King, as well as the rise of a form of The Goddess known as The Crone.

The 6-8 weeks of Yule Season is the deep heart of the wintertime Underworld Journey. Learn how to connect to the Archetypes and Spirits of Winter and make the most of our collective hibernation, using Winter’s season of stillness as an opportunity to stop, reset ourselves, and start again.

Immerse yourself in the ancient global rituals of this Quarter timekeeping festival acknowledging the death and resurrection of the Sun and discover how you can evoke this power in your own life and world.

Become a Patron!

These livestreams are free for all beings at this crucial time of transformation. So many thanks to the support of my Patrons and year-long students who make it possible to offer these classes for free!

Class will take place in a Youtube livestream. You will need a Youtube (free) account to comment in class. Subscribe to my Youtube channel and turn on notifications to find out about upcoming streams!

You can support this work in the following ways:

•Join my Patreon!! It’s thanks to my Patrons I am able to offer this work for free. Folks subscribed to my Patreon at the Venus level ($9) and higher will have access to the Six Week Guide Dropbox folder which has the PDF workbook, any slides from class, as well as the recording (for those who miss class, or those who want to study throughout the season.) Dropbox is a free app. You can download or view the material.

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