Beltane Season 2024 Waning Half Moon in Pisces

This portion of the lunar process, and in particular this Pisces phase can be a tough moment. We may have some experiences this week, or witness somethings in the world that really shows us the shitty side of humanity. Or in particular how the illusions of the American Dream, Capitalism, The West, the Patriarchy or … Read more

Mabon Season 2023 Waxing Moon in Capricorn Lunar Week 29

What a heavy time to be alive on Earth. These moments of turmoil have been building for decades, centuries. Witches we must challenge ourselves to simultaneously not doom scroll, and also not turn away. Our astrology this week ramps up the tension. Our fixed stars this week point to where, when we have been given … Read more

Eve of the Dead Procession 2023

In mournful dress with candles, relics, and a noiseA Funeral Spectacle to revere thee Spirits visiting on this Eve. Please join us for this year’s Eve of the Dead Procession. Seems there’s no end to the End. In the tradition of Thee Wild Hunt and The Furious Host, let’s take our Beloved Dead for an … Read more

Mabon 2023 Livestream Class

Our next class is coming up! Join us on youtube for the livestream, or watch later on my youtube channel or on spotify. Folks who subscribe to my Patreon at the Venus level ($9) and higher get access to all the material from class, a download of the video, a workbook, calendar, and tons more. … Read more

Lughnasadh / Mabon Season 2023 New Moon in Virgo Lunar Week 24

Witches! This is our last New Moon of Summer and Lughnasadh. This lunar cycle will carry us into Fall and Mabon, and eclipse season as well. New Moon in Virgo and Mercury stations direct, just before we cross the Threshold and enter the Other half of the year. The Dark face of the Unknowable Goddess … Read more