Beltane Season 2024 Waning Half Moon in Pisces

This portion of the lunar process, and in particular this Pisces phase can be a tough moment. We may have some experiences this week, or witness somethings in the world that really shows us the shitty side of humanity. Or in particular how the illusions of the American Dream, Capitalism, The West, the Patriarchy or … Read more

Beltane Season Waning Half Moon in Pisces Lunar Week 11

This week contains our last Waning Half Moon and last Balsamic Moon of Gemini, Beltane, and Spring. This week is encouraging review and consolidation of all we have experienced in this portion of our cycle around The Wheel. What needs to be embraced and carried forward? What needs to be modified or adjusted? What needs … Read more

Samhain Season Waxing Moon in Pisces Lunar Week 42

Our Witches Work this week asks us to be big-hearted and push ourselves out of our comfort zones. Can we face the painful experiences of our lives with faith? Can we find the medicine in the poison? Can we remember that after the Destruction comes Rebirth? Great Goddess like Mawu, Mary Theotokos, and Ceres are … Read more

Samhain, 2017

Oct. 31st, 2017. 6 pm. Sun, Mercury and Jupiter in Scorpio, Moon in Pisces, Venus and Mars in Libra, Saturn in Sagittarius The waning sunlight signals the descent. Starlight, torches, candles, flashlights, cell phones, phosphorous lights our way as we pick tenuous steps out of the inky black. She Opens. The warm, wet, hot, dry, … Read more