Beltane Season 2024 Waning Half Moon in Pisces

This portion of the lunar process, and in particular this Pisces phase can be a tough moment. We may have some experiences this week, or witness somethings in the world that really shows us the shitty side of humanity. Or in particular how the illusions of the American Dream, Capitalism, The West, the Patriarchy or … Read more

Beltane Season 2023 Full Strawberry Moon in Sagittarius Lunar Week 10

WE ARE GOING HARD THIS WEEK WITCHES! Soooo many Gemini and Sag oriented festivals this week. We are stepping into the rushing stream of energy that will carry us into Summer. Deities like Artemis, Bendis, Ochosi, Dano, and Jarlio oversee and guide our work, just to name a few. Our astrology is asking us to … Read more