Litha Season 2024 Waxing Moon in Libra, Lunar Week 22

Wake up Witches, no more time for sleeping and drifting in the phantasms of the Empire. It’s time to get to The Real. And, it’s time to get in touch with our inner Sun and shine like the badasses we are. Our Primordial Mother Goddesses are standing by ready to help us birth the next … Read more

Lughnasadh / Mabon Season 2023 New Moon in Virgo Lunar Week 24

Witches! This is our last New Moon of Summer and Lughnasadh. This lunar cycle will carry us into Fall and Mabon, and eclipse season as well. New Moon in Virgo and Mercury stations direct, just before we cross the Threshold and enter the Other half of the year. The Dark face of the Unknowable Goddess … Read more

Lughnasadh Season 2023 Waning Moon in Gemini Lunar Week 23

Witches! Another week offering recalibration, reorientation, and reconfiguration before we head off into the Dark Half of the Year. This portion of our Virgo journey is overseen by Great Goddesses like Yemoja, Aset/Isis, Mother Earth, The Holy Sophia, Gauri, and Venus Genitrix to name a few. How does what you know affect what you create … Read more

Lughnasadh Season 2023 Super Full Blue Moon in Pisces Lunar Week 22

Witches! The Goddess is alive and magick is afoot!! This week we travel through multiple Holy Days dedicated to Goddesses as embodiment of Mother, Producer, Gateway, Threshold. We have a beautiful Super Full Blue Moon to guide us as we approach the transition point of Summer to Fall and from the Light to the Dark … Read more

Lughnasadh Season 2023 Waxing Moon in Sagittarius Lunar Week 21

Witches! This is a great week for looking at the long view and setting the blueprint, or “fixing” the year into the shape you want. Of course we’re gonna take a 3 week detour (re:organizing) with Mercury RX, but if we can reach out with the assistance of deities like Fortuna, Minerva, and Thoth, we … Read more