Litha Season 2024 Waxing Moon in Libra, Lunar Week 22

Wake up Witches, no more time for sleeping and drifting in the phantasms of the Empire. It’s time to get to The Real. And, it’s time to get in touch with our inner Sun and shine like the badasses we are. Our Primordial Mother Goddesses are standing by ready to help us birth the next … Read more

Samhain: Witch’s New Year – Wheel of the Year 2023

The dark is here.The shift in the Sun’s path is undeniable as the days shorten and the weather grows darker and colder. The Cross-Quarter holiday Samhain (pronounced “sow-wain”) is possibly the most well-known of the Sabbats. Americans celebrate it as Hallowe’en. Samhain is the true tipping point into The Underworld Journey of Winter. Learn how … Read more

June 2023 Tarot Circle – Fire In The Tarot

Fire In The Tarot This month’s Tarot Circle will be a not-so-deep dive into the element of Fire in the Tarot, preparing us to work closely with this element as we step into Summer. This will be a lecture-style class, and hopefully I can wrangle myself to leave time at the end for Q&A. I’m … Read more

Sun Enters Aries Ostara Season 2023

SUN ENTERS ARIES03.20.2023 2:24 PM PST With the Sun entering Aries, we are delivered out of Winter and into the Light of Spring. While the Sun floated through Pisces, we embraced the Cosmic Sea of existence. From the infinite potentials we dreamt up, we now choose which of these dreams we want to plant like … Read more

Welcome To Tarot – Open Registration Starts Now!

Just in time for Fall, Welcome To Tarot is back! This incredibly popular series is one of my favorite things to teach because, well between you and me, we’re gonna learn some Witchcraft under the guise of Tarot! This 6 week workshop is jam packed with information, and students can begin working the moment they … Read more