Litha Season 2024 Waxing Moon in Libra, Lunar Week 22

Wake up Witches, no more time for sleeping and drifting in the phantasms of the Empire. It’s time to get to The Real. And, it’s time to get in touch with our inner Sun and shine like the badasses we are. Our Primordial Mother Goddesses are standing by ready to help us birth the next … Read more

Litha Season Waxing Half Moon in Libra Lunar Week 13

Our Islamic friends and relatives celebrate Hajj this week, the precursor to their New Year. Runic New Year also kicks off this week, and this year I encourage studying up on the Year of Aun, a Norse reconstructionist movement that is bringing back some great old traditions. Also this week we find ourselves partying with … Read more

Yule Season Waning Moon in Libra Lunar Week 48

Witchcraft! When’s the last time you did some? This week’s holy days and astrology are asking us to come back to the altar, back to our rituals, back to Source. Guides and Deities like The Fates, The Norns, Janus Bifrons, and Danu are overseeing our journey as we walk with a foot in the physical … Read more