Imbolc, Disting, Thorrablot: the Pagan End to Winter

Imbolc (pronounced im-bowlk) is a Gaelic word meaning “in the belly,” and for many modern Pagans, Feb. 1 is one of four Greater Sabbats, or grand holy days, marking the seasons. Imbolc (also spelled Imbolg or Immolc) acknowledges the first stirrings of spring, the profound shift away from winter and the return of light and … Read more

Imbolc: The Pagan Quickening of Winter

Thoughts on Imbolc and the Perseverance of Hope The last six-ish weeks of Winter is known as Imbolc or Candlemas. There is a feeling, an impulse rustling at the edge of crocus buds jutting, verdant, out of the frosty ground. You catch it in the sudden song of returning robins, something offbeat, upbeat, swift. Like … Read more

Yule, and Heading Off Into the Dark of Winter

Winter Solstice marks the official threshold of a journey undertaken by Witches, Pagans, Heathens and other polytheists all over the planet, and shared by all of our ancestors going back to the deepest reaches of memory and time. Because of a random 23 degree tilt to our planet, we experience our four seasons. A deep … Read more

Yule – A Six Week Guide to Winter Solstice Live Class

Yule – The Long Night The Wheel of the Year continues to turn with the great Quarter Sabbat Yule, also known as Winter Solstice. MIDWINTERJULMODRESNACHT WHAT IS YULE? Before there was Christmas, there was Yule. The Quarter-Day festival season known to Pagans, Heathens, and Witches as Yule is recognized by nearly every belief system, philosophy … Read more