Upcoming Beltane class: 4.21.2022
Watch the most recent class here.
“I am not afraid. I was born to do this.” – Jeanne D’Arc
Beltane season is here!

Nearly every group under the broad umbrella “Pagan” celebrates Beltane, stretching back into the ancient past. The central symbolism of this festival is fertility and virility. In other words, bringing opposites together and having some friction occur that produces a thing.
Beltane marks the halfway point between Spring Equinox (March 21) and Summer Solstice (June 21). The festival begins in earnest on the eve of the Sabbat, at the sight of the rising moon. True Solar Beltane – the actual halfway point on the Earth’s orbit, currently aligned with 15º Taurus in western astrology – falls on May 5th. Interestingly, some ancient groups mark this day, as with the Irish observance, the Veneration of the Thorn, which is, of course, the Holly King, who is coming into power at the next Sabbat, Litha or Summer Solstice.
Pagan groups witness the rise of Spring at Imbolc, Ostara, and Beltane, with more emphasis added to a particular Sabbat depending on where they are on the globe and how quickly or slowly the light and heat comes back. But no matter where they are, by Beltane, the Sun is rising, the warmth is returning, and the Earth is coming back to life… read the rest, and more about Beltane here.