Wheel of the Year: Litha – Pagans Celebrate the Longest Day of the Year

Litha, aka the Summer Solstice, is almost here—time to get naked and light a big fire. Summer and the Summer Solstice are finally here! Also called Midsummer, Summer Solstice marks the high point of the sun’s arc across the sky in the Northern Hemisphere. At Litha we are treated to the longest days and the … Read more

Next Wheel of the Year Class – Litha – MidSummer – June 13, 7pm

Get tickets now! Currently falling somewhere between June 18th and June 22nd each year, Litha opens the gates to the fiery season of Summer. It marks the death of The Oak King and the rise of The Holly King, and a deep shift in the forms of energy we are working with, moving away from the experimental vibes of Spring and becoming more committed to our goals.