Watch the livestream here: https://bit.ly/Beltane2020Livestream
The 2020 cycle of the Wheel of the Year continues with Beltane, also known as May Day or Walpurgisnacht in some traditions.
This Cross-Quarter Day is a popular Fire Festival ushering in the deep heart of Spring, and for some places, Summer. Falling on April 30th/May 1st each year, the date of Beltane marks the halfway point of the Spring season in the Northern Hemisphere. Lusty, mischievous, and playful, the spirit of Beltane is light-hearted but serious about fun.
You can download just the PDF workbook to study along with the class for $7 here: https://bit.ly/Beltane2020Workbook
Folks are encouraged to grab a journal or something to write on, maybe make a pot of tea, and settle in. I also encourage folks to create sacred space for themselves by lighting a candle an/or some incense.