In mournful dress with candles, relics, and a noise
A Funeral Spectacle to revere thee Spirits visiting on this Eve.
Please join us for this year’s Eve of the Dead Procession. Seems there’s no end to the End. In the tradition of Thee Wild Hunt and The Furious Host, let’s take our Beloved Dead for an evening’s jaunt, and see what other Spirits might like to go for a strolling haunt.
We encourage anyone who would like to attend in a spirit of reverence and reverie.
More info below.


This procession started Samhain 2018 and galvanized in 2020 as a response to tremendous turbulence and change of that year. Thee Furious Host, also known as Thee Wild Hunt, is a Samhain tradition that acknowledges the breaking down of the natural order and the oncoming chaos of Winter. It is said the Beloved Dead walk among us, and the Spirits and Shades of the Under and Other Worlds ride out while the veil between worlds is thin. Or perhaps They are always with us, but choose to show Themselves on this Holy Day.
We will be staging for a 1/2 hour at the North end of TT Minor. We encourage joining us during that time to make last minute adjustments, get candles lit, etc. There are plenty of places to sit and spread out. We will walk through Capitol Hill (map below) and back to the park. The procession will be slow and spread out, and we will take a route that is ADA accessible. We encourage folks to come with a krew and stay in your germ pods. The processions usually lasts about 2 hours. If you have any questions, you can email or leave a comment below. Also below are downloadable copies of the flier and map.

What to wear?

Dress for cold and inclement weather, comfy waterproof shoes good for walking. We also encourage masking up. Beyond that, we will be in ritualwear/costumes. We encourage the same, as well as surreal and absurd looks, mourning attire, formal wear, or dressing in all black or all white (any style). We are after all walking with The Dead.
What to bring?

We will have lanterns on poles and flags to carry, as well as incense and bells. Please let us know if you would like to carry a lantern or a flag (you gotta commit to the full walk.)
Bring noise makers, puppets, flags, candles or lanterns, instruments, candy to pass out, art on a stick, memorials to victims of the kyriarchy, glow in the dark stuff, etc. Folks in the past have brought urns with the ashes of the Dead, rolling sound systems, etc. Make sure whatever you bring is weatherproof, has batteries and capacity for the whole walk.

Please leave a comment below or send an email if you have any questions. You can also reach out to @MeaganAngus or @DeathAndCedar on IG.

Almost all the photos on this page were taken by Silver Barcohav.