Litha Season Waxing Half Moon in Libra Lunar Week 13

Our Islamic friends and relatives celebrate Hajj this week, the precursor to their New Year. Runic New Year also kicks off this week, and this year I encourage studying up on the Year of Aun, a Norse reconstructionist movement that is bringing back some great old traditions. Also this week we find ourselves partying with … Read more

Beltane Season Waning Half Moon in Pisces Lunar Week 11

This week contains our last Waning Half Moon and last Balsamic Moon of Gemini, Beltane, and Spring. This week is encouraging review and consolidation of all we have experienced in this portion of our cycle around The Wheel. What needs to be embraced and carried forward? What needs to be modified or adjusted? What needs … Read more

Beltane Season 2023 Full Strawberry Moon in Sagittarius Lunar Week 10

WE ARE GOING HARD THIS WEEK WITCHES! Soooo many Gemini and Sag oriented festivals this week. We are stepping into the rushing stream of energy that will carry us into Summer. Deities like Artemis, Bendis, Ochosi, Dano, and Jarlio oversee and guide our work, just to name a few. Our astrology is asking us to … Read more

Beltane Season 2023 Waxing Moon in Virgo Lunar Week 9

Adjustment is the name of the game this week. Don’t get lost in the sauce, ask for help and guidance from Holy archetypes like Mary Mediatrix, Vesta, and St. Joan D’Arc, or clear thinking from the Goddess Mens. We step over another threshold into the last weeks of Beltane and Spring. Reach up and call … Read more

Beltane Season 2023 Black New Moon in Taurus Lunar Week 8

Are you ready to FECUND? Because it’s Time. To. Plant!! Goddesses like Carna, St Sara la Kali, and Athena oversee our process this week. It’s time to burst out of our shells and begin establishing ourselves on the physical plane. Tarot: Lovers Witch Work: Brewing, Flirting, Divination Plant Helpers: Beans, Vines