Imbolc, Disting, Thorrablot: the Pagan End to Winter

Imbolc (pronounced im-bowlk) is a Gaelic word meaning “in the belly,” and for many modern Pagans, Feb. 1 is one of four Greater Sabbats, or grand holy days, marking the seasons. Imbolc (also spelled Imbolg or Immolc) acknowledges the first stirrings of spring, the profound shift away from winter and the return of light and … Read more

Lupercalia: The Risqué History of this Frisky Festival!

Lupercalia Whips. Wolves. A lottery where girls are given to men. Sex in the streets. The Pagan root of Valentine’s Day. History and misinformation has put A LOT at the feet of this ancient Roman festival. Let’s take a look at what was possibly the truth and what is modern projection on the holiday Lupercalia. … Read more