Minor Arcana – Everyday Living in the 5-6-7 of Pentacles

This series is intended to help folks recognize the Minor Arcana in their day-to-day lives and the lives of the people around them. I’ll generally base my interpretations off Pamela Colman Smith’s illustrations in the Smith-Waite or Rider-Waite deck, as well as other illustrated decks. As we progress through Spring, as we roll through Taurus … Read more

Tarot: The Hierophant and The Empress Cards

The Hierophant is one of those cards that has a less-than-rosy reputation. Or at least, a lot of people don’t like seeing it come up in readings, and there are a few reasons. We must remember that all archetypes have neutral, negative, and positive aspects. They simply exist. It is our interactions with these roles and states of being that determines the outcome.

Sommarsblót, The Scandinavians Open the Solar Half of the Year

Sommarsblót (“Summer’s Blood,”) found at the very end of Ostara season, is a week-long festival happening sometime during Aries Season, ending on the day the Sun enters Taurus. Many sources mark this festival running from April 14-20th, but some sources say it is a moving feast and can happen any time during the first month … Read more