Wheel of the Year: Litha – Pagans Celebrate the Longest Day of the Year

Litha, aka the Summer Solstice, is almost here—time to get naked and light a big fire. Summer and the Summer Solstice are finally here! Also called Midsummer, Summer Solstice marks the high point of the sun’s arc across the sky in the Northern Hemisphere. At Litha we are treated to the longest days and the … Read more

Ostara – That Spring Thing

Did you feel that? The shift in the temperature? The shift in the energy? Ostara is here! Notice the daffodils, the forsythia, the tulips popping up? Spring is coming, and for many people in the Northern Hemisphere, Ostara season marks the Earth’s return to life. This is expressed in hundreds of deities and archetypes, back … Read more

An Actual Witch Revisits The Sonics’ ‘The Witch’

The Witch has always been a scapegoat for the festering guilt and shame in any community. She is seen as the foreign element, somehow disturbing the status quo with her very presence. Does that woman inspire lust in you? She must be a Witch. Did the widow with the nice parcel of land turn down your advances? Absolutely a Witch. Does she claim to heal, can she make a man fall in love, or tell your future?

Witch. Witch. Witch.