Litha – A Six Week Guide to the Summer Solstice Available Now!

In this six week guide, we will explore Litha the Witch’s Sabbat celebrating the Summer Solstice.
But the work doesn’t stop after one night. In this six week guide, we will look at the major Witch’s…

Next Wheel of the Year Class: Ostara – Spring Equinox

SHIFTING FROM DARK TO LIGHT Uncover the deep history of this grand resurrection festival honoring the returning life of the Reawakening Earth and the Increasing Sun. The Spring Equinox marks the halfway point of our journey to Summer, and the growing light matches our increasing enthusiasm. Learn how to best harness this energy for the … Read more

Cannabis And Winter Solstice

Numerous civilizations and spiritual traditions around the planet will celebrate this low spot in the sun’s path. Did you know that between December 1 and 31 more than 100 holidays are celebrated around the planet? Happy holidays! And if you’re like me, around your house it’s more like holidaze! I love incorporating weed into traditional … Read more

Witchcraft and Weed: A Powerful Kinship

From your bong to your broomstick, the possibilities of using cannabis in your Witchcraft are limitless. Folks have combined weed and Witchcraft in magical and spiritual rites for millennia. Hindu sadhus use marijuana as a prayer to Lord Shiva. Coptic Christians burned it on altars as a holy offering. Witches and warlocks, too, have had … Read more

An Actual Witch Revisits The Sonics’ ‘The Witch’

The Witch has always been a scapegoat for the festering guilt and shame in any community. She is seen as the foreign element, somehow disturbing the status quo with her very presence. Does that woman inspire lust in you? She must be a Witch. Did the widow with the nice parcel of land turn down your advances? Absolutely a Witch. Does she claim to heal, can she make a man fall in love, or tell your future?

Witch. Witch. Witch.